Digital Financial Services usage in Jordan is increasing. Yet the activity levels remain low due to a number of supply and demand side factors such as lack of awareness amongst target segment, limited use cases being offered, lack of interoperability between mobile wallets etc. GIZ launched the “Improving Access to Remittances and other Financial Services through Digital Solutions” (Digi#ances) project in 2015 to help promote financial inclusion amongst low income Jordanians, Syrian refugees and women. GIZ chose payment service provider, Dinarak, as its private sector partner for a pilot project aimed at promoting the uptake and usage of digital financial services among the aforementioned user groups under Development Partnership with Private Sector (DPP) framework. Amarante Consulting was hired to conduct an evaluation of this pilot project and to recommend ways in which GIZ can continue to drive impact in this space. Read more about how public private partnerships can promote development in this report