An increasing number of independent payment service providers are joining digital financial services ecosystems around the world. Since these actors are mostly independent of the Banks and MNOs, participation in existing DFS environments is more complex.
We, at Amarante, with our deep knowledge of DFS technologies and ecosystems, help you meet these challenges and answer the following questions:
- What is the best business model for me?
- Should I partner with one or more banks/distribution networks / mobile network operators?
- How can I stay agnostic of mobile operators and offer a universal service while achieving scale?
- How may I compete with existing players such as banks or MNOs while complementing them?
- What products or services should I offer?
- Which segments do I target?
- What strategy will enable me to acquire my customers at the lowest cost?
- Which distribution networks do I use?
- What will be the impact of these new offerings on my existing operations, if any?